St. Christopher’s is a Church of England parish church, worshipping God and serving Him in the Community.
We are guided as a Church by a verse from the Bible (Micah 6:8) where God encourages his people to ‘Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly with your God’.
- Acting Justly means we are passionate about justice – social justice, racial justice, environmental justice and all other forms of justice. We value all people and the world in which God has placed us.
- Loving Mercy means that we seek to enjoy, share and grow in love – the love of God for us and our love for one another. We enjoy worshipping God to go deeper into that love.
- Walking Humbly means that we don’t think we always get things right, and that we need to live and share forgiveness and the grace of God.
I hope this website gives you a small taste of who we are and what we are about – come and have a virtual look around by checking out our virtual tour here.
However, nothing beats coming to meet us in person, and you are especially welcome either to one of our church groups, or to our main Sunday service, which is held at 10:30am every Sunday.
I look forward to meeting you soon, and on behalf of the whole church, God’s welcome be with you!

Andy Schuman, Vicar, St. Christopher’s