Community Groups

A number of community groups currently use our hall during a typical week as shown in the table above. Click on the links below to find out more information about some of them…

Time For Tots – St. Christopher’s Toddler Group

Every Monday from 9:15am to 11:30am (term times only, excluding Bank Holidays), £3 per child. For more details about the group, or if you’d like to volunteer to help in our small but perfectly formed team of volunteers, please email or phone Bill and Pat Campbell for more information.

Story Stars

Love sharing books with your little one? Come and join us at Story Stars! Sensory storytelling classes, for babies up to 18 months, combining much loved books with themed sensory and messy play activities.

If you would like to find out more, or save a space, get in touch 🙂 at

Lunch Club

St. Christopher’s runs its own Lunch Club every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12 noon for the over 55s (lunch served around 12:30pm). You’re welcome to come and join us to make new friends or catch up with old ones over a spot of lunch!

Please email or phone Bill & Pat Campbell if you’d like to come along, or just to find out more.

Saturday Coffee Mornings

Coffee and cake your thing? Come along to our Coffee Morning every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:30am to 12 noon. A great chance to catch up with friends and neighbours! Edible contributions are always appreciated…

145th St. Christopher’s Sea Scouts, Cubs & Beavers

145th St Christopher’s Sea Scouts is one of the few sea scout groups left running in Bristol. We participate in a range of activities from kayaking and canoeing to archery and shooting, interspersed with camps and trips to various places. Most of our weekly meetings are outdoor based activities, be it the winter or the summer, and each session is filled with exciting activities and events.

Please see the 145th Facebook page to contact us and find out more…